Visualization samples
Correlation Matrix-Poor Readability
Correlation Matrix-Enhanced Readability
No Filter Pie Chart
Before filter implementation. It looks horrible with so many unnecessary labels on the chart.
Filtered Pie Chart
After filter implementation , and putting a threshold at 5% , you can see the top 5 countries representing in the dataset
Comprehensive Linear Visualization
The line shows the mean price of the hotel room(resort or city) over the course of a year
Encountered Challenges
Enhancing readability of pie-chart
wedges, texts, autotexts = ax.pie(values, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%',radius=2.0)
The Matplot Pie Chart has so many parameters that could be used for customization of the plot. When we have so many values and labels to plot on the chart , customization is necessary for readability purposes. As I was exploring the dataset on the Hotel Booking , I wanted to do a pie chart, however I ran into readability issue. There were 178 different countries in the dataset and I had to put a filter to make the graph more readable.